On 25th April 1961, four enthusiasts - Ronnie Fines, Jack Pearson, Hugh McLelland and Bill McCann - met at the home of Bill Strang, then Vice-Commodore of Clyde Cruising Club, formed a committee and so Fairlie Yacht Club was established!
The vision of these yachtsmen, who were at the forefront of developing Clyde sailing in the latter half of the 20th Century, has resulted in a club which has trained and encouraged sailors who have achieved national and international recognition, cruised and raced in Scotland and around the world. These founder members and the friends and associates they nurtured and encouraged has given the Clyde one of its best known and best recognised clubs in the country.
31 members have served as Commodore and many more as Flag Officers and committee members since that time, and because of the initial vision and drive of these few men we now boast a club to be proud of and that is the envy of many.
The current Committee Members for season 2023 are;
Brendan Bocker Commodore
John Kent Vice Commodore
Calum McPhee Rear Commodore
Neil Crawford Committee Member
Ian Munro Committee Member
Ian Sawkins Committee Member
Dee Scott Committee Member
David Carslaw Hon Treasurer
Martin Maiden Hon Secretary
Ex Committee
Peter Wright Principal Race Officer
Bill Bower Moorings Convenor
Norman Cowie Kip Racing Convenor
Keith Agnew Trophies